Drawing wildlife with Mukambi Primary School students

In January NGO Mondo volunteer Olle Kaidro and WEFOCO school coordinator Sophia Malaha visited different schools in Uganda and Kenya, among them Mukambi Primary School. During their visit, students drew pictures of various plants and animals that could be found near their school.

Students were given drawings made by the students of Pärnu Rääma Basic School. They were fascinated to see some Estonian animals and learn their Estonian names.

After seeing the drawings students were eager to draw their own.

Students were inspired by the surroundings


Everyone were excited and had lots of fun. Especially commenting on each other’s pictures.


They wrote down the name of the animal in English and in their language, suahili.


All of the drawings were gathered to send them to their partner school, Pärnu Rääma Basic School.


Every one were active and really enjoyed the day. Hopefully the pictures will be as well received as the pictures from Estonia!

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