Yemeni month in Estonian Schools

December saw the beginning of The Yemeni month in four different schools in Estonia; these schools were Audentes Erakool, Rääma Elementry School, Vesiroosi Gymnasium and Tartu Miina Härma School. During this month these schools were involved in some activities that included making Henna tattoos and making some simple Yemeni food such as fried bread (Tauah Bread). And a salsa kind of dip called Sahaweq. The students also made an effort to make this bread and sell it at the Christmas Bazars. The money they were able to collect was added to the “Entelak” project, which is a Yemeni project to assist girls who have fallen out of school to continue their education.

Tauah Bread recipe:

  • Flour
  • Water
  • Salt (according to taste)

Keep adding until you have a solid dough. Then make small balls out of the dough (the size depends on how big of a pan you have). Roll each ball flat and then smear with vegetable oil or melted butter, then fold, and smear again and then fold. Then roll the folded dough flat and start frying on a flat pan, add some oil according to preference.

The ready bread can be used to eat with either savoury food such as cheese or stew, or sweet food such as honey or jam.

Some add a filling of scrambled eggs and tomato and chilli to it, other fillings can be added also and fried along with the bread.

Sahaweq recipe

  • 4 large tomatoes
  • A little garlic (depending on taste)
  • Salt (according to taste)
  • 1 teaspoon cumin 
  • 2 or 3 chilli cones (according to taste)

This Salsa kind of dip is a very popular dish, and can be added to any savoury food or eaten with bread.