Tartu Hiie School and Rise and Shine School Exchange Drawings

Tartu Hiie School have good friends from Kenya from Rise and Shine School. We study about each others countries, nature, traditions, schoollife. We write and draw about these themes and change packets. Packets reach to us 2-3 times in year, because we can change these with help of volunteers. We are thankful that volunteers share with us their first-hand impressions and memories and show many nice videos and pictures about our friends.

This time we exchanged food pictures, below you can see a gallery of our drawings. Fruits and Easter drawings are from Hiie School, all others are from the students of Rise and Shine School in Kenya.

Tomatoes vs robots???

Do you know how robots can make ketchup? All the students who came from all over Estonia and participated in the Day of Technology which was held in Tallinn Real School and Tartu Kivilinna School know that! The students in teams had to construct a robot (using computer program,Lego blocks etc) that smashes tomatoes.

My tomato seller at the market in Kongo village, Ghana, Africa

Yes, we all know that food is not for playing, that is why I, Liina, Mondo’s volunteer, gave a lecture about tomatoes: where they grow in the world, which countries are the largest tomato producers, how healthy tomatoes are, what is the nutritional value of tomatoes etc.

Liina talking about tomatoes

By he way, did you know the fact that every third tomatoes are thrown away in the world? So if we could waste 25% less food, it would be enough to feed more than 870 million famine people.

So, how the tomatoes are used?

1) For food: salads, pizzas, ketchup, drinks etc.

Tomato drink

2) In cosmetics, for tomato face mask

Tomato mask

3) For entertainment: popular tomato fights in Spain – La Tomatina Festival

tomato festival
La Tomatina Festival

4) For ELECTRICITY! Yes, three Kenyan girls discovered how to produce electricity from tomatoes. Watch the video below:


Also watch this useful video about tomato power:

After some hours of working in teams, constructing robots (“Ketchup makers”)…..

Constructing robots
Constructing robots

And building a protection for tomatoes…

A protection for a tomatoe to keep it from being smashed

The competition could start!

Robot is ready!
Oh no!
No more protection 🙂

After the competition we used all the tomatoes to make delicious tomato drink.

Bon appetit!

Watch the video about tomatoes vs robots!

Ghanaian food in Estonian school

Hello, dear food blog reader!

This is Mondo volunteer Liina here again!

On Thursady, 12th of March I organised in Kunda School (North-Estonia) a Ghanaian event. We talked about Ghana, I shared my experience as a volunteer, showed pictures and videos. We also tasted original shea butter we made in Ghana with the students of Sekoti Primary School….and we prepared one Ghanain dish  ourselves! There were approximately 80 students involved in this project.

The dish, actually the drink we made was “ZOOMKOOM” – “flour water”.

Before preparing the drink, we watched the video, made in Kongo village, and learned how to do it!

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Watching a video about “Zoomkoom”


The students of Kunda School preparing “Zoomkoom”
Tasting “Zoomkoom”
Liina and the students of Kunda School: chilli is an important ingredient
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Older students preparing “Zoomkoom”
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“Zoomkoom” has an interesting taste: sweet and spicy at the same time!